Hello! and welcome to my tiny little site on the world wide web! This funky space is just for fun, as I'm like a sprout in a giant galaxy full of coding. Therefor I apologize for the mess, haha! As you can probably see, Beetleclub is still a giant work in progress while I figure out how I want things to look, and how I'm supposed to code all of that. So mind your step, don't trip over the boxes! All in all, it's my little personal bubble, where I simply share anything that I'm passionate about! I share a lot of my own artwork here, but there's a bunch of other things to discover as well. Maybe one day, I'll even think of a way cooler intro. For now, please enjoy your stay!

Lets be neighbours!

neighbours of the web


Placeholder / little thoughts

gosh there's still so much i want to change to my current website before even adding more pages. Right now I really want to rearrange the Yume website a little so some parts are easier to access and figure out a way to portray things nicely. I also gotta work on my about page, and this one too ofc!! Right now this silly little text is just a placeholder. I should add fun little clickable pagedolls that redirect to other sections of the site.
tbh mostly this is just for myself as a reminder HAHA.

The current mood of beetleclub at www.imood.com


Site updates

★ mascot introduction at the about page have been included.
★ a little ramble entry over at captain falcon's page

★ new ramble entry @ wiifi's page

★ working on the about page!

★ art uploaded to wft's pages
★ rambling on wft's page
★ new drabble in the literature section.
★ removed the blog thing, i didn't quite like how it looked. i'll figure that out at a different time.

★ cbox is back!
★ rearanging around some stuff. the marquees movement also switched up a bit.

★ err, a little bit of an intro replaced the lorem ipsum on the front page :3
★ new art in f-zero gallery! (2024, 2020, 2019)

★ changed the link of the yume homepage so i can make the index a welcome page.
★ changed up the index page. for now i made the image link to the main site but i plan to add buttons and text!

★ atom feed should be working now for the tiny blog! woo

★ added a few buttons from mutual neighbours.
★ removed the pet diary link for now.
★ tiny blog being included to the main page!

★ added a library for fics in the Falcon House.
★ rambling page for isa & slimetime created.
★ fixed a few broken images in the wii fit gallery.

★ created a page for (yume) thoughts about Captain Falcon. uwu

★ made a little F-ZERO diary on the shrine's homepage~
★ throwing around some text on the yume homepage.
★ added new images and galleries!
★ filled up a bit of WFT's homepage.

★ added a handful of artwork to the yume galleries as well as the F-ZERO gallery.
★ made a whole new section for the Wii Fit trainer yume stuff. It's still a big wip but the galleries work!

★ started a page on the yume site for dormant interests!

★ made some changes to how things are placed on the Yume home- and about pages.

★ added some new art to the yume pages
★ added a wip about page
★ Redoing the theme of the main site & the F-Zero shrine! (and added a site updates section hehe. hi)

This site was born on
Jul 2, 2023 !!