Hi! Webmaster Isabelle here. 👽 You can call me Isa, too, if you'd like! Like many people on Neocities, I longed for a place I could fully customize and make my own. As someone who adores the retro/gaming aesthetic, I've been finding a lot of joy into using that as my inspiration for dressing up my little website.

Now by no means dare I call myself a coder, and as such, you'll see stuff change around a bunch while I try and figure out how to place or write it out. It's a real mess in there, I tell ya! (laughs) But when it works out, I do feel a little proud.

'Why did you go with the name Beetleclub?' I thought it sounded cool. I do adore beetles, as well as other arthropod species. Plus, my little mascots here are beetle(grub)s!

Feel free to add me on MSN!! beetleclub@escargot.chat
or email me! beetleclub64@gmail.com

Animal: bugs, reptilians, sharks, anteaters, skunks
Colour: teal, purple, blues
Console: n64, wii, ps2
Anime: initial d, yugioh, fzero gp legend

Beetleclub started as a little page for me to fill it up with 'yume' - a form of selfshipping. I prefered the term yume as it is not neccessarily bound to the romantic aspect alone. While I do have romantic partners, I also really enjoy just excisting in their worlds, and have friends and family relations alongside them. Something I've been doing ever since I was a child was either inserting myself in fictional realities, as well as imagine fictional characters by my side in my reality. It's comforting. It is real, to me. It's like a barrier between universes, that sometimes weave into one another in dreams. In thoughts. In whatever we do to make a connection with a character - an individual.

and while Beetleclub started as just a page to ramble about my love for certain characters, it's growing into my personal little bubble for all sort of things that I enjoy. And as it continues to do so, I can only hope you'll feel a little entertained, or perhaps even inspired, while you roam the clubhouse. My home, on this wide, wide web.

The current mood of beetleclub at www.imood.com
