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My current main romantic interest besides Captain Falcon is the Wii Fit trainer! I don't know whether that is because of the positive reinforcement or that handsome soft lil' face of his, but that doesn't matter. He brings huge comfort and motivates me to do better in my daily life.
I actually never had owned any of the Wii Fit titles until 2023, though I'd been enjoying him through Smash since forever.
I started playing Wii Fit in order to fix up my posture and it has become a huge factor in me finally gaining some weight! (I've a hard time gaining and have been underweight all my life.) It also helps me to get over my anxiety of going outside, keeping my Fit meter close to me. In a way it's like having the trainer close by, too, to support me. And whenever I feel down, he helps me get my mind off of things. :>
Heh, plus both Wiifit and Falcon inspire me to gain some muscle!!
I sometimes like to imagine a poly relationship with the two, though two separate mono relationships is just as fun to explore!