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Tiny F-ZERO diary
Less than a year ago, who would've thought to see 2 F-Zero news on the switch? Sure, it's 'just' an update for F-Zero 99, and Maximum Velocity has been added to the gameboy roster, but still! I'm soooo excited that they keep on updating F099. A lot of people complain for us F-Zero fans that 99 isn't the new f-zero game we wanted, but I can speak for many of us that its fun and loved by us! I love the ???-tracks and the mashup of both the course and the music!! The little customization options are a joy to collect. All the game modes that have been added are fun fun fun. I hope they will keep on updating!
Of course I want to say something about Maxvelo too. It had always been my least favourite in the francise, the characters don't appeal much to me etc. Funny enough, I started playing maxvelo a week before the announcement of the port to switch - I'd been playing it on my 3ds. Despite not favouring this game over others, it is still very fun to kill the time with. I have yet had the time to play it on my switch though, but that'll come around soon, I'm sure!
Eep! Lately, I've been getting better at F-Zero 99! I've still never been placed #1, but my closest win became #3! I feel kinda cool lol. I love and adore and appreciate it so much that they added a winter event! The effort put into turning the Knight Cup maps all snowy and the unlockable stuff is so pretty!
Diary Started 1/6/24
Game F-Zero X
Machine Blue Falcon
Character Captain Falcon
Track Port Town(?)